
How to invest?

Through Elysian Green, it is possible to invest into environmental companies with huge growth potential that are in early stage of development. Average exit strategy is three to five years, after which the principal and profits are returned to the investor. Another option is to buy bonds that pay interest on a quarterly basis.

  • Great growth potential
  • Transparent investment
  • Representatives of the Fund on works councils

How do we allocate our investments?

The main purpose of the Fund is to provide assistance mainly to EU companies, whose ideas and solutions have potential for success on an international level.

Concurrently, Elysian Green is always ready to invest into other intriguing solutions if they are aligned with the goals and principles of the fund.

Elysian Green is based on venture capital and invested amounts are utilized in a 3-5 year investment window.

The management and the council of Elysian Green is comprised of experts in their respective fields, who have extensive knowledge of market trends, legislation, production, financing and international relations.

The meaning behind Elysian Green?

Elysian Green stands for the pursuit of a truly harmonious environment, where the use of resources is as balanced as it can be and which inspires people to behave in a more sustainable and creative way while also promoting tolerance. For this purpose, we have applied the concept of the Elysian Field, known in ancient Greek mythology, to modern environmentally friendly technologies. Elysian Green is the name we use to denote our journey to create the sustainable environment of the future.

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They organize all events
and projects

These two brave volunteers make a huge contribution to our our planet saving and to organize most of our charity events and projects to engage society attention to the problem of ecology saving!

  • Annual Charity Festival
  • West Coast Recycle Program
  • Alternative Energy Sources

Sunny Miller

ECO expert


Eggy Granegy


et en_GB